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All Categories > New York, NY

Bicycle in Astoria New York for rent

Bicycle in Astoria New York for rent rental New York, NY

Rent it for

$5.00 / day
$30.00 / week
$100.00 / month
Owner rating: (3 reviews)


Red racing bike for men. 10 gears. gets me around new york. I'm sure it will for you too! :-) Comes complete with: - lock (as pictured) - key - small hand-help bicycle pump too - puncture repair kit, just in case ...all to be returned please when returning the bike. Also, if you do get a puncture (it happens!), please repair it before you return (or $20 charge if you'd prefer to leave it to me - which is also ok). Pick up from me here, very close to the Broadway Station, N or Q line:,-73.929853&sspn=0.006988,0.01193&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=23-27+31st+Rd,+Queens,+New+York+11106&ll=40.765396,-73.927131&spn=0.007525,0.013797&z=16

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Owned by Individual in 11106