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All Categories > Austin, TX

Vacuum food marinator

Vacuum food marinator rental Austin, TX

Rent it for

$2.00 / day


This thing is a marvel of modern technology, I'm not kidding. I recall the days when the only way to marinate a good slab of meat was to use up a ziploc bag, pour in the marinade, and then toss it into the fridge for a while, hoping you don't forget about it. Now those days are long gone, and YOU can experience true 21st century marination. So yeah, with this item you will be renting a Presorvac vacuum food marinator. I've run all kinds of animals through it - cows, chickens, shrimp(s), pigs, tilapias, etc. - and each time the result was glorious, juicy, and delicious. It's a trip to watch the thing go, too. As the vacuum sucks all of the air out of the container, the contents begin to inflate, pulling in all of the marinade it floats in. Downside: it's loud, like a can-opener, so don't marinate your breakfast if you're an early riser. To be completely honest I don't know the magic length of time the meat should be in the machine to achieve perfection, but I generally let it run for 20-30 min or so. As above, it requires you strike a balance between your desire for a delicious meal and your tolerance for the sound of an electric motor whirring away. Watch some TV or play one of your Halos while it works, it helps.

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