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All Categories > New York, NY

Digital Camera for rent: Astoria, Queens, NYC

Digital Camera for rent: Astoria, Queens, NYC rental New York, NY

Rent it for

$5.00 / day
$30.00 / week
$100.00 / month
Owner rating: (3 reviews)


Camera - Canon Powershot SD 1000 - Digital Elph Excellent little pocket camera. I think the following speaks of the quality: of the 873 customer reviews this camera received on Amazon, 770 purchasers gave it a 4 or 5 stars (the maximum). Can do... - color photos. - black + white photos - videos with sound of up to 3 minutes long. (Perfect for uploading something to YouTube). For the more creative user, one particularly cool feature is that you can highlight one particular color. See the example of the baby's yellow mittens which I took. Comes complete with (if you need them): - battery. - plug-in battery charger. - 2 GB memory stick. - tripod (optional). - USB cable to later download the photos to your computer. - installation disk so your computer will recognize the USB has been plugged in. Any of the above items you also borrow will need to be returned, otherwise your deposit will be charged. We can do a handover either: - from my home, Astoria Queens, 5 minute walk from Broadway Station (N or Q line) OR - Penn station/Madison Square Garden area of Manhattan where I work. Google maps for both locations are as follows: Astoria:,-73.929853&sspn=0.006988,0.01193&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=23-27+31st+Rd,+Queens,+New+York+11106&ll=40.765396,-73.927131&spn=0.007525,0.013797&z=16 Penn Station area:,+New+York,+NY&sll=40.765677,-73.928066&sspn=0.007525,0.013797&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=340+7th+Ave,+New+York,+10001&z=16 Keywords: borrow camera, loan camera, rent camera, test powershot.

Security Deposit


Owned by Individual in 11106