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All Categories > Austin, TX

Sony a55 DSLR w/Lenses, RODE Microphone, Radian

Sony a55 DSLR w/Lenses, RODE Microphone, Radian rental Austin, TX

Rent it for

$25.00 / day
$110.00 / week
$350.00 / month


a55 DSLR and a variety of lenses for multiple purposes! Includes a microphone for video, and a Raidan for shooting beautiful panorama timelapses! (50mm prime lens, 18-55mm standard lens, 70-200mm telephoto lens, and 16-70mm telephoto lens) -DIGITAL SLR with Translucent Mirror Technology accelerates AF performance -Continuous 10 fps shooting with continuous Phase Detect AF -Worlds1st consumer HD video camera w/ cont. Phase Detect AF -16.2 megapixels with Sony?s Exmor HD APS sensor 1080/60i Full AVCHD or 1080/30p movies Includes carrying bag

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Owned by Individual in 78751